We know many WCGA members are new golfers who do not have a handicap. But maybe you’re just curious to know what your handicap is to track how you are improving. Or you need a handicap (or at least an estimate of one) to play in a work-related golf tournament.
It is really easy to figure out your handicap. WCGA has entered into a partnership with the First Tee of Washington, D.C. so our members can get an official USGA Handicap. The cost is $30 or for $10 more, you’d sponsor one of First Tee youth members to also get a handicap. If you would be interested in an official handicap or have any questions on the process, please contact president@wcga.org or Clint Sanchez with First Tee directly at csanchez@thefirstteedc.org and mention WCGA.
Also, for an unofficial handicap, you can download an app like Diablo Golf to keep track of your scores. And then, you can use this free golf handicap calculator. To use the calculator, you only need your scores from five rounds. If you typically play nine holes at East Potomac for League Night or Meet-Up Mondays, you can put two round together from the same course to use in your calculations.